march, 2025
No Events
- Introductory Meeting of the AICHR, Hua Hin, Thailand, 24 October 2009
1. First Meeting of the AICHR, ASEAN Secretariat, Jakarta, Indonesia, 28 March-1 April 2010
2. Special Meeting of the AICHR, Quang Nam, Viet Nam, 24-25 May 2010
3. Second Meeting of the AICHR, Tuy Hoa City, Viet Nam, 28 June-2 July2010
4. Third Meeting of the AICHR, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 20-24 September 2010
5. AICHR Study Visit to the United States (U.S.), Washington DC and New York, U.S., 14-19 November 2010
6. An Information Programme for the Principal Assistants of the AICHR, Strasbourg, France and Berlin, Germany, 21-27 November 2010
7. Workshop on Strengthening of Secretariat Support for the AICHR, 30 November-1 December 2010
1. Fourth Meeting of the AICHR, Solo, Indonesia, 10-13 February 2011
2. Fifth Meeting of the AICHR, ASEAN Secretariat, Jakarta, Indonesia, 25-29 April 2011
3. AICHR Study Visit to Europe, Brussels, Strasbourg, and Vienna, 23-27 May 2011
4. Sixth Meeting of the AICHR, Vientiane, Lao PDR, 28 June-2 July 2011
5. Towards Achieving Substantive Gender Equality, Jakarta, Indonesia, 5-6 September 2011.
6. ASEAN Conference/Workshop on Promoting Maternal Health: Responding to UN Millennium Development Goal 5, Manila, Philippines, 14-15 October 2011.
7. Regional Workshop on Statelessness and the Rights of Women and Children, Manila, Philippines, 18-19 November 2011
8. Seventh Meeting of the AICHR, Bali, Indonesia, 28 November- 1 December 2011
1. First Meeting of the AICHR on the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration (AHRD), Siem Reap, Cambodia, 8-9 January 2012
2. Second Meeting on the AHRD, Jakarta, Indonesia, 17-19 February 2012
3. Third Meeting of the AICHR on the AHRD, Jakarta, Indonesia, 9-13 March 2012
4. Eight Meeting of the AICHR, Jakarta, Indonesia, 9-13 March 2012
5. Fourth Meeting of the AICHR on the AHRD, Jakarta, Indonesia, 9-11 April 2012
6. Fifth Meeting of the AICHR on the AHRD, Bangkok, Thailand, 6-8 May
7. Ninth Meeting of the AICHR, Bangkok, Thailand, 9 May 2012
8. First Coordination Meeting for the Thematic Study on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Singapore, 17 May 2012
9. Sixth Meeting of the AICHR on the AHRD, Yangon, Myanmar, 3-6 June 2012
10. Seventh Meeting of the AICHR on the AHRD, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 23 June 2012
11. Special Meeting of the AICHR, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam, 24 August 2012
12. Eight Meeting of the AICHR on the AHRD, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam, 26 August 2012
13. Ninth Meeting of the AICHR on the AHRD, Manila, Philippines, 13-14 September 2012
14. Tenth Meeting of the AICHR on the AHRD, Siem Reap, Cambodia, 21-24 September 2012
15. Tenth Meeting of the AICHR, Siem Reap, Cambodia, 21-24 September 2012
16. Regional Workshop on the Right to Peace, Vientiane, Lao PDR, 2 October 2012
17. Round Table Discussion and First Coordination Meeting on the AICHR Thematic Study on Migration and Human Rights, Bandung, Indonesia, 5-6 November 2012
18. Special Meeting of the AICHR, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 17 November 2012
19. Joint Workshop on Corporate Social Responsibility, Singapore, 28-29 November 2012
20. Regional Training Program on Promoting Access to Justice and Human Rights, Bangkok, Thailand, 3-6 December 2012
21. Regional Workshop of National Registrars on Best Practices in Birth Registration, Bangkok, Thailand, 7 December 2012
22. Regional Workshop and Consultation on Business and Human Rights in ASEAN, Singapore, 11-12 December 2012
23. International Workshop on Enhancing Cooperation between the United Nations and Regional Mechanisms for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, Geneva, Switzerland, 12-14 December 2012
24. Regional Advanced Training Programme on Human Rights: Training of the Trainers, Bangkok, Thailand, 13-18 December 2012
1. Eleventh Meeting of the AICHR, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam, 29 January-2 February 2013
2. Special Meeting of the AICHR, ASEAN Secretariat, Jakarta, Indonesia, 8-10 March2013
3. Intensive Learning Workshop on Women’s Human Rights (the Workshop) for the Regional and National Secretariats to ASEAN Human Rights’ Bodies, Bali, Indonesia, 18-21 March 2013
4. ASEAN Youth Debates on Human Rights, Makati City, Philippines, 4-5 April 2013
5. Twelfth Meeting of the AICHR, ASEAN Secretariat, Jakarta, Indonesia, 6-10 May 2013
6. Special Meeting of the AICHR, Ha Noi, Viet Nam, 14-16 August 2013 Advanced Programme on Human Rights: Training of the Trainers, Bangkok, Thailand, 16-20 November 2013
7. Special Meeting of the AICHR, Makati City, Philippines, 24-26 November 2013
8. Regional Workshop on the Human Rights-Based Approach to Combat Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, Makati City, Philippines, 27-28 November 2013
9. Regional Workshop on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Post 2015 and Human Rights, Jakarta, Indonesia, 11-12 December 2013
10. Thirteenth Meeting of the AICHR, Jerudong, Brunei Darussalam, 16-18 December 2013
1. Fourteenth Meeting of the AICHR, Yangon, Myanmar, 8-11 February 2014
2. Special Meeting of the AICHR, ASEAN Secretariat, Jakarta, Indonesia, 8-9 March 2014
3. Regional Workshop on the Promotion of Maternal Health and Reduction of Maternal Mortality: Meeting the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) no. 5 in the Context of ASEAN Community, Manila, Philippines, 27-28 March 2014
4. Fifteenth Meeting of the AICHR, ASEAN Secretariat, Jakarta, Indonesia, 22-26 April 2014
5. First Regional Consultation on the Review of the Terms of Reference of the AICHR, Jakarta, Indonesia, 28-29 April 2014
6. Outcome Workshop on the Thematic Study on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Human Rights, Singapore, 13-14 June 2014
7. Second Regional Consultation on the Contribution to the Review of the Terms of Reference of the AICHR, Bangkok, Thailand, 27-28 June 2014
8. Special Meeting of the AICHR, Bangkok, Thailand, 29 June 2014
9. Special Meeting of the AICHR, Bangkok, Thailand, 29 June 2014
10. Regional Workshop on the Reporting Obligations: Experience and Best Practices, Ha Noi, Viet Nam, 3-4 July 2014
11. Special Meeting of the AICHR, Singapore, 10-11 July 2014
12. Special Meeting of the AICHR, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar, 6-9 August 2014
13. First Coordination Meeting for the thematic study on the Right to Peace, Singapore, 18 July 2014
14. Workshop on Human Rights, Environment and Climate Change, Yangon, Myanmar, 13-15 September 2014
15. Sixteenth Meeting of the AICHR, Yangon, Myanmar, 3-5 October 2014
16. International Workshop on Enhancing Cooperation between United Nations and Regional Mechanisms for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, Geneva, Switzerland, 8-9 October 2014
17. Special Meeting of the AICHR, Bangkok, 14-16 November 2014
18. Follow up Workshop on Post 2015 MDGs and Human Rights, Jakarta, Indonesia, 15-16 October 2014
19. AICHR Workshop on Regional Mechanisms, Bangkok, Thailand, 17-18 November 2014
20. AICHR’s Training of Trainers (TOT) on ASEAN Human Rights Mechanisms for ASEAN Member States Law Enforcement Officers, Bali, Indonesia, 27-30 November 2014
21. AICHR Regional Workshop on Comparative Domestication of Human Rights Treaty Obligations with National laws in ASEAN, Lao PDR, 17-18 December 2014
1. Seventeenth Meeting of AICHR, Kuala Lumpur, 11-14 February 2015
2. Workshop on Strengthening AICHR’s Protection Mandate by Exploring Strategies to Protect Women and Girls from Violence in ASEAN, Manila, Philippines, 27-29 March 2015
3. Eighteenth Meeting of AICHR, Jakarta, 6-9 May 2015
4. Dialogue with ASEAN Community Councils, Jakarta, Indonesia, 25-26 May 2015
5. The AICHR Programme on Human Rights: Training of the Trainers for Journalists in ASEAN Member States, Bangkok, Thailand, 26-29 July 2015
6. Special Meeting of the AICHR, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2-5 August 2015
7. The 2nd AICHR Youth Debates on Human Rights, Singapore, 5-6 September 2015
8. The AICHR Workshop on the Development of ASEAN Legal Instruments on Human Rights, Manila, Philippines, 14-15 September 2015
9. Special Meeting of the AICHR, Manila, Philippines, 16-17 September 2015
10. AICHR Workshop on the Implementation of Human Rights Obligations Relating to the Environment and Climate Change, Mandalay, Myanmar, 26-27 September 2015
11. 1st ASEAN-EU Policy Dialogue on Human Rights, Brussels, Belgium, 19-23 October 2015
12. Meeting of Focal Points of Regional Human Rights Mechanisms, Strasbourg, France, 22 October 2015
13. The AICHR Regional Workshop on the Role of Youth in Promoting Human Rights in ASEAN: Making Rights a Reality, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 30-31 October 2015
14. The AICHR, SOMTC Joint Workshop on Human Rights-based Approach to Combat Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 5-6 November 2015
15. 19th Meeting of the AICHR, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 27-29 November 2015
16. The AICHR Regional Dialogue on the Mainstreaming of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Bangkok, Thailand, 1-3 December 2015
1. Workshop on Transition between the AICHR Representatives 2013-2015 and AICHR Representatives 2016-2018,Vientiane, Lao PDR, 3 February2016
2. 20th Meeting of the AICHR, Vientiane, Lao PDR, 4-5 February 2016
3. 21st Meeting of the AICHR, ASEAN Secretariat, Jakarta, Indonesia, 5-9 April 2016
4. The AICHR Regional Forum on Media and Human Rights in ASEAN, Malaysia, 16-17 May 2016
5. The AICHR Workshop on Effective Communication Strategies to Combat Trafficking in Persons, Nha Trang, Viet Nam, 23-24 June 2016
6. The 2nd AICHR Regional Dialogue on the Mainstreaming of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in the ASEAN Community, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 29 June-1 July 2016
7. Special Meeting of the AICHR, Vientiane, Lao PDR, 23-24 July 2016
8. Panel Discussion: Socialisation of the ASEAN Convention Against Trafficking in Persons, Especially for Women and Children (ACTIP) Focusing on Sharing of Good Practices on Anti-trafficking Initiatives, ASEAN Secretariat, Jakarta, 15 August 2016
9. AICHR Youth Debate on Human Rights 2016 – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 22-23 September 2016
10. Fifth International Workshop on Regional Arrangements for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, Geneva, Switzerland, 4-5 October 2016
11. Meeting between Focal Points for Cooperation of Regional Human Rights Mechanisms and OHCHR, Geneva, Switzerland, 6 October 2016
12. AICHR–SOMTC Consultation on Human Rights-Based Approach in the Implementation of the ACTIP and APA, Jakarta, Indonesia, 29-30 September 2016
13. AICHR Training Programme on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Bangkok, Thailand, 11-14 October 2016
14. Special Meeting of the AICHR, Ha Noi, Viet Nam, 27-28 October 2016
15. AICHR Seminar on Promoting CSR and Human Rights in ASEAN – Singapore, 3-4 November 2016
16. 22nd Meeting of the AICHR, Luang Prabang, Lao PDR, 23-25 November 2016
17. AICHR Regional Workshop on Strengthening National Plans of Action on Trafficking in Persons to Ensure Effective Implementation of the ACTIP and APA, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 1-2 December 2016
18. First Meeting of the Task Force on the Mainstreaming of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in the ASEAN Community, Bangkok, Thailand, 5-6 December 2016
1. 23rd Meeting of the AICHR, Boracay, Philippines, 13-15 February 2017
2. AICHR Judicial Colloquium on the Sharing of Good Practices Regarding International Human Rights Law, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 13-15 March 2017
3. 2nd Coordination Meeting for the Thematic Study on the Right to Peace, Lao PDR, 5 April 2017
4. Second Meeting of the Task Force on the Mainstreaming of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in the ASEAN Community, Jakarta, Indonesia, 19 April 2017
5. 24th Meeting of the AICHR, Jakarta, Indonesia, 15-19 May 2017
6. Special Meeting of the AICHR, Phuket, Thailand, 17-18 June 2017
7. Third Meeting of the Task Force on the Mainstreaming of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in the ASEAN Community, Phuket, Thailand, 22-23 June 2017
8. AICHR-ACWC Training Workshop on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), Singapore, 13-14 July 2017
9. Special Meeting of the AICHR, Manila, Philippines, 4-6 August 2017
10. 3rd AICHR Regional Dialogue on the Mainstreaming of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in the ASEAN Community (Access to Justice, Entrepreneurial Enterprises & Disaster Management), Phuket, Thailand, 19-21 June 2017
11. AICHR Cross Sectoral Consultation on the Human Rights-based Instruments related to the Implementation of the ASEAN Convention Against Trafficking in Person, especially Women and Children, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 29-30 August 2017
12. AICHR Youth Debate on Human Rights 2017, Bangkok, Thailand, 04-06 September 2017
13. 2nd Workshop on the Development of ASEAN Legal Human Rights Instruments, Manila, the Philippines, 13-14 September 2017
14. Regional Consultation on the Thematic Study on Legal Aid, Bangkok, Thailand, 11-12 October 2017
15. AICHR’s Regional Consultation on the Right to Safe Drinking Water & Sanitation in ASEAN (with emphasis on rural communities), Sabah, Malaysia, 25-27 October 2017
16. AICHR Workshop on Rights-Based Approach to Regional Management Strategy for an Effective Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Yangon, Myanmar, 29-30 October 2017
17. AICHR Regional Dialogue on Mainstreaming of the Right to Education in the ASEAN Community, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 10-12 November 2017
18. AICHR Training Programme on Business and Human Rights, Bangkok, Thailand, 13-16 November 2017
19. 50 Years of ASEAN and 5 Years of ASEAN Human Rights Declaration Roundtable Discussion: The AICHR’s Role and Work in Fulfilling the Goals and Aspirations of AHRD 2012, Bohol, Philippines, 28 November 2017
20. 2nd ASEAN-EU Policy Dialogue on Human Rights, Bohol, Philippines, 29 November 2017
21. AICHR Regional Workshop on Enhanced Access to Education for Children with Disabilities, Da Nang, Viet Nam, 13-14 December 2017
22. 4th Meeting of the Task Force on the Mainstreaming of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in the ASEAN Community, Da Nang, Viet Nam, 15-16 December 2017
23. 25th Meeting of the AICHR, Bohol, Philippines, 26-27 November 2017
1. 26th Meeting of the AICHR, Singapore, 24-26 January 2018
2. 5th Meeting of the Task Force on the Mainstreaming of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in the ASEAN Community, Jakarta, Indonesia, 5-6 February 2018
3. First Coordination Meeting for the Thematic Study on the Right to Education: Promotion of Access to Tertiary Education in ASEAN, Vientiane, Lao PDR, 9 April 2018
4. AICHR High Level Dialogue on Managing Freedom of Expression in the Information Age, Medan, Indonesia, 11-12 April 2018
5. 27th Meeting of the AICHR, ASEAN Secretariat, 13-17 May 2018
6. 6th Task Force Meeting on the Mainstreaming of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in the ASEAN Community, Jakarta, Indonesia, 16-17 April 2018
7. AICHR Interregional Dialogue: Sharing Good Practices on Business and Human Rights, Bangkok, Thailand, 4-6 June 2018
8. Regional Workshop on Prevention Strategies to combat Trafficking in Persons, especially for Women and Children: Enhancing Access to Information and Community-based Protection System, Hanoi, Viet Nam, 21-22 June 2018
9. 7th Task Force Meeting on the Mainstreaming of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in the ASEAN Community, Jakarta, Indonesia, 6 July 2018
10. Special Meeting 01/2018 of the AICHR, Singapore, 31 July-3 August 2018
11. AICHR Capacity Building Workshop on Article 14 of the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration, Semarang, Indonesia, 14-15 August 2018
12. ASEAN Forum on Women’s Economic Empowerment in ASEAN, Singapore, 27-28 August 2018
13. AICHR Youth Debate on Human Rights 2018, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 8-10 September 2018
14. 8th Task Force Meeting on the Mainstreaming of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in the ASEAN Community, Bangkok, Thailand, 14-15 September 2018
15. 2nd Coordination Meeting of the Thematic Study on the Right to Education: Promotion of Access to Tertiary Education in ASEAN, Luang Prabang, Lao PDR, 1 October 2018
16. AICHR CSO Symposium and Roundtable Discussion, Chiang Rai, Thailand, 13-15 October 2018
17. ASEAN Dialogue on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and Its Related Instruments, Manila, Philippines, 25-26 October 2018
18. Special Meeting 02/2018 of the AICHR, Singapore, 27-29 November 2018
19. 2018 AICHR Regional Dialogue on the Mainstreaming of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in the ASEAN Community (Accessibility through Universal Design), Bangkok, Thailand, 3-5 December 2018
20. AICHR Workshop on the Outcome of the Thematic Study on the Right to Peace, Vientiane, Lao PDR, 7 December 2018
21. Annual Meeting of Focal Points of Regional Human Rights Mechanisms, 7 December 2018, and Regional Consultation for the Americas to Combat Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and other Related Forms of Intolerance, Washington D.C., United States, 8 December 2018
22. AICHR-CACJ High Level ASEAN Dialogue: The Rights of Accused Persons in Criminal Cases, Putrajaya, Malaysia, 11 December 2018
23. AICHR Forum Access to Justice, Bangkok, Thailand, 17-18 December 2018
1. Workshop on Transition between AICHR Representatives 2016-2018 and AICHR Representatives 2019-2021, Bangkok, Thailand, 19 March 2019
2. 28th Meeting of the AICHR, Bangkok, Thailand, 20-21 March 2019
3. 29th Meeting of the AICHR, ASEAN Secretariat, Jakarta, Indonesia, 12-15 May 2019
4. AICHR Interregional Dialogue: Sharing Good Practices on Business and Human Rights, Bangkok, Thailand, 10-11 June 2019
5. Special Meeting 01/2019 of the AICHR, Bangkok, Thailand, 29 July-1 August 2019
6. AICHR Workshop on the Environment and Human Rights: Urban Pollution, Singapore, 9-10 September 2019
7. 2019 AICHR Youth Debate on Human Rights: Partnership for Sustainability, Bangkok, Thailand, 18-20 September 2019
8. Regional Consultation on Commonalities of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in ASEAN Member States and Advancing a Harmonized and Right-Based Approach, Yangon, Myanmar, 2-3 October 2019
9. The 2nd AICHR Dialogue on Mainstreaming of the Right to Education in the ASEAN Community, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 20-22 October 2019
10. Workshop on Regional Arrangements for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, 21-22 October 2019; and Meeting of Focal Points for Cooperation of Regional Human Rights Mechanisms, Geneva, Switzerland, 23 October 2019
11. AICHR Workshop on Promoting Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women through ICT towards Achieving UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam, 7-8 November 2019
12. AICHR Consultation on Realization of the Right to Development to Enhance the ASEAN Community, ASEAN Secretariat, 11-12 November 2019
13. AICHR Roadshow on ASEAN Human Rights Declaration and the Role of AICHR: 2019 Jakarta-AICHR Human Rights Dialogue (JAHRD),ASEAN Secretariat, Jakarta, Indonesia, 13 November 2019
14. AICHR Strategic Planning Meeting, ASEAN Secretariat, Jakarta, Indonesia, 14 November 2019
15. Special Meeting 02/2019 of the AICHR, Bangkok, Thailand, 19-21 November 2019
16. 3rd ASEAN-EU Policy Dialogue on Human Rights, Brussels and Vienna, 25-29 November 2019
17. 2019 AICHR Regional Dialogue on Mainstreaming the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (Gender Perspective on Disability Rights), Bangkok, Thailand, 3-5 December 2019
18. The 2019 AICHR Consultation on Freedom of Opinion and Expression in ASEAN (Article 23 of the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration),Bali, Indonesia, 8-10 December 2019
19. The 2019 AICHR Consultation on the Implementation of Article 22 of the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration on Freedom of Religion and Belief, Bali, Indonesia, 11-13 December 2019
20. ASEAN Dialogue on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UN CRC) General Comments, Manila, Philippines, 11-12 December 2019
1. 30th Meeting of AICHR, Hanoi, Viet Nam, 18-21 February 2020
2. 31st Meeting of AICHR, Videoconference, 9-10 June 2020
3. Special Meeting 1/2020, Videoconference, 25-27 August 2020
4. Special Meeting 2/2020, Videoconference, 24-25 November 2020
5. The Essentials of Human Rights Due Diligence in Business: A Training for ASEAN Institutions
6. AICHR Consultation on the Implementation of Article 14 of the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration (AHRD): Preventing and Countering Torture, Jakarta and Videoconference, 3-4 December 2020
1. 32nd Meeting of AICHR, Videoconference, 2-5 February 2021
2. 33rd Meeting of AICHR, Videoconference, 5-8 April 2021
3. AICHR Consultation to Prevent and Counter Violent Extremism in ASEAN from the Perspectives of Human Rights, Gender-Sensitive and Child Rights-Friendly, Videoconference, 3 June 2021
4. Mainstreaming Human Rights into Humanitarian Actions, Videoconference, 4 June 2021
5. AICHR Workshop on Human Rights, Environment and Climate Change, Videoconference, 8-10 June 2021
6. AICHR Workshop on Realising the Right to Health through Achieving Universal Health Coverage & Follow up on the Implementation of Article 28(d) and 29(1), (2) of AHRD (Right to health), Videoconference, 29 June 2021
7. AICHR Forum on the Rights of Migrant Workers: Implementation of Article 4 of ASEAN Human Rights Declaration related to the Human Rights of Migrant Workers, Videoconference, 30 June 2021
8. Special Meeting 1/2021 of AICHR, Videoconference, 12-14 & 26 July 2021
9. Regional Dialogue on Self-Assessment on AICHR’s Progress after 10 Years (Day 1), Videoconference, 23 July 2021
10. AICHR Capacity Building on Trafficking in Persons and Human Rights: Community Policing Approach to Victim Identification and Prevention of Trafficking in Persons, Videoconference, 23-25 August 2021
11. Regional Dialogue on Self-Assessment on AICHR’s Progress after 10 Years (Day 2), Videoconference, 14 September 2021
12. ASEAN Human Rights Dialogue 2021, Videoconference, 21 September 2021
13. AICHR Regional Consultation on Migration and Human Rights – Validating AICHR Study on Migration and Human Rights, Videoconference, 1 November 2021
14. AICHR Workshop on Human Rights, SDGs, and ASEAN Recovery from COVID-19, Videoconference, 8-9 November 2021
15. AICHR Training on Human Rights, Gender-Sensitive, and Child-Friendly Approaches on Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Cases Handling for the Frontline Officers
16. Special Meeting 2/2021 of AICHR, Videoconference, 23-24 November 2021
17. AICHR Consultation Workshop on Achieving a Disability Inclusive Post COVID-19 World, Videoconference, 3 December 2021
18. ASEAN Dialogue on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child General Comments, Videoconference, 17 December 2021
- Workshop on Transition between AICHR Representatives 2019-2021 and AICHR Representatives 2022-2024, Phnom Penh and Videoconference, 29 March 2022.
- 34th Meeting of AICHR, Video Conference, 30-31 March 2022
- AICHR Consultation on Right to Effective Remedy in ASEAN (Article 5 of the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration), Videoconference, 18 May 2022.
- ASEAN Forum on Human Rights and SDG 11: Making Cities and Human Settlements Inclusive, Safe, Resilient and Sustainable in the post-pandemic time, Banten and Videoconference, 31 May 2022.
- Inception Workshop for Preparation of a Work Plan to Develop a Regional Declaration on Environmental Rights in ASEAN, Videoconference, 16 June 2022.
- 35th Meeting of AICHR, Video Conference, 21-22 June 2022
- AICHR Regional Dialogue: Sharing Good Practices on Business and Human Rights and Recovery from COVID-19 in ASEAN, Videoconference, 19-20 July 2022.
- Special Meeting 1/2022 of AICHR, Phnom Penh, 30 July-2 August 2022
- 2nd Coordination Meeting to Develop a Regional Framework on Environmental Rights in ASEAN – Meeting on Modalities of Work, videoconference, 23 September 2022.
- Consultation on Human Rights and Countering Trafficking in Persons in ASEAN, Videoconference, 27-28 November 2022.
- 3rd Session of the “Regional Dialogue: Self-Assessment of AICHR Progress After 10 Years”, Videoconference, 26 September 2022.
- The Implementation of Article 22 of the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration (AHRD) on Freedom of Religion and Beliefs, Videoconference, 29-30 September 2022.
- 4th ASEAN-EU Policy Dialogue on Human Rights, ASEAN Secretariat and Videoconference, 24-26 October 2022
- Special Meeting 2/2022 of AICHR, Siem Reap and Videoconference, 16-17 November 2022
- 10th Anniversary of the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration (AHRD) and the Phnom Penh Statement on the Adoption of the AHRD, Siem Reap, 18 November 2022.
- ASEAN Human Rights Dialogue, Siem Reap, 19 November 2022
- Ad Hoc Preparatory Session of the ASEAN Environmental Rights Working Group and the Inaugural Working Group Meeting, Bangkok, 22-23 November 2022.
- Regional Colloquium on ASEAN Human Rights Declaration (AHRD): Ten Years On, Bangkok and Videoconference, 13 December 2022.
- AICHR-SEANF Consultation on Addressing Challenges to Human Rights Protection for Better Recovery in ASEAN, Videoconference, 16 December 2022.
- 3rd Interface Meeting between the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) and the ASEAN Commission on the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Women and Children (ACWC), ASEAN Secretariat, 1 March 2023.
- Interface Meeting between the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) and the ASEAN Committee on the Implementation of the ASEAN Declaration on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Migrant Workers (ACMW), ASEAN Secretariat, 1 March 2023.
- 36th Meeting of AICHR, ASEAN Secretariat, 28 February – 3 March 2023.
- AICHR Regional Consultation on Achieving Disability Inclusive Recovery, Videoconference, 8 March 2023.
- Meeting Between AICHR And the ASEAN University Network – Human Rights Education (AUN-HRE), Bali, 24 May 2023.
- 2nd Interface Meeting between the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) and the ASEAN Senior Officials Meeting Responsible for Information (SOMRI), Bali and Videoconference, 24 May 2023.
- 37th Meeting of AICHR, Bali, 22-26 May 2023.
- AICHR Regional Consultation: Business and Human Rights, Environment and Climate Change in ASEAN, Kuala Lumpur and Videoconference, 29-30 May 2023.
- 2023 AICHR Regional Dialogue: Sharing Good Practices on the Business and Human Rights in ASEAN, Videoconference, 1 June 2023.
- AICHR Consultation on Victims-Oriented Protection to Prevent and Counter Radicalism and Violent Extremism, Bali, 9-10 June 2023.
- ASEAN Dialogue on United Nations Conventions on the Rights of the Child, Manila, 22-23 June 2023.
- Interface Meeting between the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) and the ASEAN Committee on Women (ACW), Videoconference, 10 July 2023.
- Interface Meeting between the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) and the ASEAN Senior Officials Meeting on Transnational Crime (SOMTC), Jakarta, 10 July 2023.
- Interface Meeting between the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) and the ASEAN Senior Officials Meeting on Social Welfare and Development (SOMSWD), Videoconference, 10 July 2023.
- Special Meeting 1/2023 of AICHR, Jakarta, 8-12 July 2023.
- AICHR Consultation on Human Rights and Countering Trafficking in Persons 2023: Referral Systems for Gender-Based Violence and Trafficking in Persons in ASEAN, 26-28 June
- Launching of two (2) AICHR Trafficking in Persons Training Resources for ASEAN Member States, ASEAN Secretariat, 21 July 2023.
- The 1st ASEAN Environmental Rights Working Group (AER-WG) Meeting, Bangkok, 21-22 August 2023.
- ASEAN Community Councils on Human Rights, ASEAN Secretariat, 24 August 2023.
- AICHR Cross-Sectoral Dialogue on the Effective Implementation of ASEAN Commitments on Human Rights of Women and Children, ASEAN Secretariat, 25 August 2023.
- Launching and Sharing Findings of the AICHR Study on Migration and Human Rights, ASEAN Secretariat, 25 August 2023.
- ASEAN Dialogue in Realising Southeast Asia as a Torture-Free Region, ASEAN Secretariat and Videoconference, 28-29 August 2023.
- 1st AICHR-UN Dialogue on Human Rights, Geneva, Switzerland, 27-29 September 2023.
- AICHR Official Visit to Switzerland, Geneva & Berne, Switzerland, 30 September – 2 October 2023
- 5th ASEAN-EU Policy Dialogue on Human Rights, Brussels, Belgium and Strasbourg, France, 3-6 October 2023
- 5th ASEAN Human Rights Dialogue, ASEAN Headquarters, 6 November2023
- Special Meeting 2/2023 of AICHR, ASEAN Headquarters, 7-10 November 2023
- The 2nd ASEAN Environmental Rights Working Group (AER-WG) Meeting, Bangkok, 21-22 November 2023
- AICHR Consultation on Freedom of Opinion and Expression in ASEAN 2023, Jakarta, 1-2 December 2023
- 2023 AICHR Regional Consultation on Midterm Review and Progress of the Enabling Masterplan 2025, Bangkok, 4-5 December 2023
- ASEAN Forum on Human Rights at Sea: Ensuring Decent Work for Migrant Fishers, Jakarta, 14-15 December 2023
- AICHR-EU Dialogue on Disinformation and Misinformation, Singapore, 29 January 2024
- 38th Meeting of AICHR, Vientiane, 20-23 February 2024
- The 3rd ASEAN Environmental Rights Working Group (AER-WG) Meeting, Manila, 27-28 February 2024
- AICHR Consultation on Human Rights Index, Banten, 29-30 April 2024
- The 4th ASEAN Environmental Rights Working Group (AER-WG) Meeting, Jakarta, 6-8 May 2024
- 39th Meeting of AICHR, ASEAN Headquarters/ASEAN Secretariat, 23 May 2024
- ASEAN Consultation on Best Practices and Challenges in Implementing Non-Punishments Principle in the Anti-TIP Laws, Policies, and Practices, Bali, 10-12 June 2024
- ASEAN Forum on Freedom of Peaceful Assembly to promote the implementation of Article 24 of the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration (AHRD), Banten, 15-16 July 2024
- Special Meeting 1/2024 of AICHR, Vientiane, 23-26 July 2024
- ASEAN Dialogue on Realising Southeast Asia as a Torture-Free Region, Banten, 20-21 August 2024
- Validation Workshop on the Development of Regional Guideline on the Non-Punishment Principle for Victims of Trafficking in Persons (TIP) in ASEAN, Tangerang, 2-3 September 2024
- AICHR-SEANF Regional Workshop: Sharing Good Practices and Effective Remedy for Migrant Workers in Business and Human Rights in ASEAN, Bangkok, 24 September 2024
- 5th Dialogue on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UN CRC), Makati, 2-3 October 2024
- 6th ASEAN Human Rights Dialogue, ASEAN Headquarters/ASEAN Secretariat, 5 November 2024
- ASEAN Regional Dialogue: Sharing Good Practices on Enhancing Human Rights during the Covid-19 Pandemic in ASEAN, Phnom Penh, 28-29 October 2024
- Special Meeting 2/2024 of AICHR, Luang Prabang, 13-15 November 2024
- AICHR Regional Dialogue and Consultation on Advancing Development of Environmental Rights in ASAEN, ASEAN Headquarters/ASEAN Secretariat, 8 November 2024
- ASEAN Dialogue on Human Rights and Policing, Bali, 2-3 December 2024
- AICHR Workshop on Best Practice Approaches for Implementing Accepted UPR Recommendations, Luang Prabang, 11-12 December 2024