AICHR Advanced Training Program on Human Rights: Training of the Trainers

AICHR Advanced Training Programme on Human Rights: Training of the Trainers, 13-18 December 2012, Sukosol Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand
The ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) organised a one week Regional Advance Training Programme on Human Rights: Training of the Trainers from 13 – 18 December 2012, in Sukosol Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand. The training programme is jointly organised by AICHR, Institute of Human Rights and Peace (IHRP), Mahidol University, Thailand and UN Women (with the partial support of CIDA). Participants included government, academe and CSO representatives from ASEAN Members States – Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam.
The Programme was specifically designed for human rights trainors, advocates and practitioners to strengthen their knowledge, skills and tools required for advancing human rights in the Region. Topics included in the one-week intensive program ranged from concepts and principles of human rights; international and regional human rights standards and mechanisms, ongoing debates on human rights; ASEAN regional human rights mechanisms; roles of national human rights institutions and civil society as well as rights of some specific groups. Participant-oriented training methodologies were utilised combined with interactive lectures and discussions as well as sharing of experiences and field study facilitated by human rights experts drawn mainly from Southeast Asian region.
This training program is part of the series of capacity building and awareness raising activities organised by AICHR on the topic of access of justice and human rights.