Press Release Special Meeting 2/2022 of AICHR, 16-17 November 2022, Siem Reap and Videoconference
The ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) convened its Special Meeting 2/2022 on 16-17 November 2022 in Siem Reap, Cambodia. The Meeting was chaired by H.E. Keo Remy, Representative of Cambodia to AICHR, and was attended by Representatives/Alternate Representatives of AICHR, and the ASEAN Secretariat.
The Meeting was updated on recent developments on human rights in the region, such as new laws, regulations and initiatives, as well as shared views on issues of mutual interest and concern as presented by the AICHR Representatives of Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, and the Philippines.
The Meeting deliberated on progress of the implementation of the AICHR Priority Programmes/Activities of 2022 in the areas of the right of the child, rights of persons with disabilities, human rights and the environment, business and human rights, and trafficking in persons, among others.
Institutional matters were discussed, including the implementation of the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Framework of the Five-Year Work Plan (FYWP) of AICHR 2021-2025, the Rules of Procedure for the AICHR Fund, and the Guidelines on AICHR’s External Relations.
The Meeting took note of the ASEAN Secretariat’s update on the handling of communications to AICHR in 2022.
At this meeting, AICHR met with the United Nations (UN) to explore ways to enhance engagement between AICHR and the UN on human rights, as well as to discuss future cooperation in line with the framework of the FYWP of AICHR 2021-2025 and the Priority Programmes/Activities of AICHR 2023.
The Meeting concluded with a handover ceremony from Cambodia as the Chair of AICHR to Indonesia. The Meeting expressed its appreciation to H.E. Keo Remy and the Secretariat for excellent arrangements as the Chair of AICHR, and welcomed Indonesia as the Chair of AICHR 2023.