First Regional Consultation on the Review of the TOR of AICHR
The AICHR Representatives are currently conducting their first of a series of Regional Consultations with stakeholders on the Review of the Terms of Reference (TOR) of the AICHR. The consultation are the actualisation of Article 9.7 of the TOR, where “the AICHR shall assess its work and submit recommendations for the consideration of the ASEAN Foreign Ministers Meeting on future efforts that could be undertaken in the promotion and protection of human rights within ASEAN“.
Inputs from the series of consultations will contribute to the set of recommendations the AICHR will submit to the Foreign Ministers in August 2014.
From the two-day consultations, the AICHR is meeting the representatives of ASEAN Sectoral Bodies on the first day, before meeting the civil society organisations (CSOs) on the second day.